Scienze e tecnologie alimentari (curriculum Tradizionale)
Italy, Turin
Study location | Italy, Cuneo |
Type | POSTGRADUATE DEGREE, full-time |
Nominal duration | 2 years. For each year of enrollment, students may choose between full-time or part-time status. Tuition fees vary accordingly. (120 ECTS) |
Study language | combined Italian/English |
Tuition fee | €2,800 per year For the academic year 2024/2025 the tuition fees ranged from 156€ to 2.800€ per year, depending on the student’s financial situation. For more information on the tuition fees for the a.y. 2025/2026, please refer to the dedicated webpage on our University portal. At the same page you’ll also be able to verify if you are eligible for a fee reduction or exemption. |
Application fee | €60 one-time Il contributo obbligatorio per l’invio della candidatura deve essere pagato entro le scadenze previste dalla finestra. L’importo del pagamento rimane invariato sia che si selezionino 2 corsi di studi o uno solo. L’importo non è rimborsabile. |
Entry qualification | First cycle diploma (BA, Undergraduate diploma) You must hold a first-cycle degree (i.e. Bachelor’s degree) gained after at least 3 years of University education. You will also need to meet specific admission requirements and demonstrate a suitable academic preparation and a solid academic background. It is also necessary to know the most important softwares for data elaboration and word processing and to speak English fluently. These admission requirements are considered achieved if the applicant has previously obtained at least 60 ECTS credits in core and specialized training activities as Mathematical, Physics, Chemistry, Food Engineering, Food Microbiology, Food Technology. An evaluation Committee will also assess the applicant’s personal preparation through in-person and online interviews. The interview will focus on basic knowledge of Food Microbiology, Food Technology, Food Engineering, Economics, Food Chemistry. The entry qualification documents are accepted in the following languages: English / French / Italian / Spanish. If the document is issued in a different language from those listed above, you will have to upload both the original document and its certified translation. |
Territory requirements | Questo corso di laurea magistrale ha a disposizione 50 posti riservati a candidati non-EU residenti all’estero. Questi posti sono in comune con tutti i curricula di Scienze e tecnologie alimentari. |
Language requirements | English Italian Your knowledge of the Italian and English language will be verified during the admission interview. |
Other requirements | A motivation letter must be added to your application. |
More information |
The course aims to provide the student with advanced knowledge in the food science sector, to train professional skills suitable for carrying out complex coordination and guidance activities related to the food sector, to provide knowledge suitable for guaranteeing, even with the use of innovative methodologies, food safety and quality.
These objectives are achieved through the following learning areas within different courses are organized:
- Management, sustainability, and quality of agri-food chains
- Transformation and distribution technologies
- Economy and politics
- Technical-professional
Career opportunities
• Agronomist
• Biotechnologist
• Technologist