Tassa scolastica 2.800 € all'anno

For the academic year 2024/2025 the tuition fees ranged from 156€ to 2.800€ per year, depending on the student’s financial situation.

For more information on the tuition fees for the a.y. 2025/2026, please refer to the dedicated webpage on our University portal. At the same page you’ll also be able to verify if you are eligible for a fee reduction or exemption.

Tassa di iscrizione 60 € una tantum

Il contributo obbligatorio per l’invio della candidatura deve essere pagato entro le scadenze previste dalla finestra. L’importo del pagamento rimane invariato sia che si selezionino 2 corsi di studi o uno solo. L’importo non è rimborsabile.

Maggiori informazioni



The Master’s degree in Materials Science aims to provide a firm grounding in the chemical, physical and technological behaviour of a vast range of materials with emphasis on modern advances in the field. Students are trained to understand the properties of materials in current use and encouraged to develop original ideas for creating new materials which satisfy the requirements of society and world markets (i.e. cheap, safe, recyclable and with minimum negative impact on the environment). The course delivers advanced and integrated theoretical and practical training across the following interdisciplinary areas: chemistry and physics of solids, materials production, manufacturing and testing, with special attention to the characterization and modelling of material structures and properties. All lectures and examinations for the Master’s degree are conducted in English. If you want to learn more about this Master’s degree, click here.