Quantitative Finance and Insurance
Luogo di studio | Italia, Torino |
Tipo | Laurea Magistrale, a tempo pieno |
Durata nominale | 2 years. For each year of enrollment, students may choose between full-time or part-time status. Tuition fees vary accordingly. (120 ECTS) |
Lingua di studio | inglese |
Tassa scolastica | 2.800 € all'anno For the academic year 2024/2025 the tuition fees ranged from 156€ to 2.800€ per year, depending on the student’s financial situation. For more information on the tuition fees for the a.y. 2025/2026, please refer to the dedicated webpage on our University portal. At the same page you’ll also be able to verify if you are eligible for a fee reduction or exemption. |
Tassa di iscrizione | 60 € una tantum Il contributo obbligatorio per l’invio della candidatura deve essere pagato entro le scadenze previste dalla finestra. L’importo del pagamento rimane invariato sia che si selezionino 2 corsi di studi o uno solo. L’importo non è rimborsabile. |
Qualifiche di accesso | Diploma di Laurea (laurea di primo livello) You must hold a first-cycle degree (i.e. bachelor’s degree) gained after at least 3 years of University education. You will also need to meet specific admission requirements and demonstrate a suitable academic preparation and a solid background certified by at least 15% of credits in any (one or more than one) of the following areas: Mathematics, Statistics and Mathematical Methods for Decisions, Econometrics, Computer Science. We will consider all the applicants who satisfy at least one of the following criteria: i) first-cycle degree issued from an Institution in the top 12.5% of the RePEc ranking of the Economics departments ii) final grade greater or equal to 9.5/10 of the highest possible grade (for example, 105/110 for an Italian degree) Quantitative Finance and Insurance website I documenti di studio sono accettati nelle seguenti lingue: inglese / francese / italiano / spagnolo. Se i documenti sono rilasciati in una lingua diversa da quelle precedentemente elencate, oltre all’originale è necessario allegare la traduzione ufficiale certificata. |
Requisiti in base al territorio | This degree program has 50 available places for non-European applicants residing abroad. |
Requisiti linguistici | inglese Your knowledge of the English language (at least B2 level) will be verified during the admission interview. |
Altri requisiti | È necessario aggiungere una lettera di motivazione alla propria candidatura. |
The Master Program in Quantitative Finance and Insurance is designed for excellent students, eager to get a preparation highly specialized, with the use of advanced mathematical statistical models.
The course fits to the current convergence of the activities of banks and business, financial companies, with the activities of insurance and reinsurance and social security systems. These organizations deal with issues related to each other, which are studied implementing tools, techniques and models quite similar when not substantially identical.
The program provides excellent knowledge of methodologies and logical tools, mathematical statistical and probabilistic, foundations and skills in computer data processing, applying them to: finance, financial intermediation, insurance, retirement planning, risk identification and management, analysis of financial markets, legal aspects of financial and insurance markets, pursuing the integration of different disciplines complementary each other.
The variety of subject areas integrated into a single design will also allow ready adaptation to different and evolving contexts. Some students spent a semester of study abroad, in Seoul, Louvain, Moscow and other prestigious universities.