Cellular and Molecular Biology
Luogo di studio | Italia, Torino |
Tipo | Laurea Magistrale, a tempo pieno |
Durata nominale | 2 years. For each year of enrollment, students may choose between full-time or part-time status. Tuition fees vary accordingly. (120 ECTS) |
Lingua di studio | inglese |
Tassa scolastica | 2.800 € all'anno For the academic year 2024/2025 the tuition fees ranged from 156€ to 2.800€ per year, depending on the student’s financial situation. For more information on the tuition fees for the a.y. 2025/2026, please refer to the dedicated webpage on our University portal. At the same page you’ll also be able to verify if you are eligible for a fee reduction or exemption. |
Tassa di iscrizione | 60 € una tantum Il contributo obbligatorio per l’invio della candidatura deve essere pagato entro le scadenze previste dalla finestra. L’importo del pagamento rimane invariato sia che si selezionino 2 corsi di studi o uno solo. L’importo non è rimborsabile. |
Qualifiche di accesso | Diploma di Laurea (laurea di primo livello) You must hold a first-cycle degree (i.e. bachelor’s degree) gained after at least 3 years of University education. You will also need to meet specific admission requirements and demonstrate a suitable academic preparation and a solid background. Applicants should possess basic knowledge of the subjects indicated below. This will be verified by means of an online test and by an interview: - Anatomy and Physiology: Structure and function of the cardiovascular, digestive, respiratory, excretory, genital endocrine and nervous systems. Structure and function of biological membranes. Diffusion fluxes. In order to be admitted to the Master degree program in Cellular and Molecular Biology, applicants must pass a test that consists of two steps, a written test and an interview. For more information, please refer to the following page. Furthermore, applicants must hold and undergraduate degree with a final grade equal to or exceeding 9.1/10 of the highest possible grade (100/110 for an Italian degree). I documenti di studio sono accettati nelle seguenti lingue: inglese / francese / italiano / spagnolo. Se i documenti sono rilasciati in una lingua diversa da quelle precedentemente elencate, oltre all’originale è necessario allegare la traduzione ufficiale certificata. |
Requisiti in base al territorio | This degree program has 50 available places for non-European applicants residing abroad. |
Requisiti linguistici | inglese Your knowledge of the English language (at least B1 level) will be verified during the admission interview. |
Altri requisiti | È necessario aggiungere una lettera di motivazione alla propria candidatura. |
The objective of the Master in Cellular and Molecular Biology is to prepare Biologists endowed with a profound and integrated knowledge of the biological systems, going from the molecular and cellular level to complex organisms. Such Biologists will be able to spend their knowledge in specific areas of applied biology such as biotechnology, biomedicine and neurosciences.
Graduates will acquire deep theoretical and practical knowledge in the cellular-molecular field, in both physiological and pathological states. In particular, during the common part of the educational route they will achieve competences in biochemistry, cell and molecular biology, pharmacology, physiology. They will also became able to deal with both statistic and IT tools necessary for experimental data collection and analysis. Graduates will be able to apply multidisciplinar and specialistic knowledge in the research field, both basic and applied, or in activities related to production and/or services, with particular reference to the biomolecular, biotechnological, biomedical or neurobiological field. They will also be able to manage with professional activities implying advanced, innovative or experimental methodologies.
The specific educational objectives of the Master in Cellular and Molecular Biology aim to provide students with appropriate cultural tools allowing:
• the enrollment in the ‘A’ Biologist National Register, after passing the State exam;
• the introduction to professional activities and projects in basic and applied research institutes, in private and public biomedical laboratories, in pharmaceutical companies, and also to activities aimed at promoting and developing scientific and technological innovation, and management and design of molecular and cellular technologies;
• the entry into pertinent PhD Schools, in Italy or abroad;
• the entry into Specialty Schools pertaining to the School of Medicine, possibly opened to people graduated in LM-6 class.