Scienze viticole ed enologiche (International curriculum)
Italia, Torino
Luogo di studio | Italia, Asti |
Tipo | Laurea Magistrale, a tempo pieno |
Durata nominale | 2 years. For each year of enrollment, students may choose between full-time or part-time status. Tuition fees vary accordingly. (120 ECTS) |
Lingua di studio | inglese |
Tassa scolastica | 2.800 € all'anno For the academic year 2024/2025 the tuition fees ranged from 156€ to 2.800€ per year, depending on the student’s financial situation. For more information on the tuition fees for the a.y. 2025/2026, please refer to the dedicated webpage on our University portal. At the same page you’ll also be able to verify if you are eligible for a fee reduction or exemption. |
Tassa di iscrizione | 60 € una tantum Il contributo obbligatorio per l’invio della candidatura deve essere pagato entro le scadenze previste dalla finestra. L’importo del pagamento rimane invariato sia che si selezionino 2 corsi di studi o uno solo. L’importo non è rimborsabile. |
Qualifiche di accesso | Diploma di Laurea (laurea di primo livello) You must hold a first-cycle degree (i.e. bachelor’s degree) gained after at least 3 years of University education. You will also need to meet specific admission requirements and demonstrate a suitable academic preparation and a solid background. A dedicated Committee will assess candidates’ curricular requirements and check the educational qualifications presented, which have to include a sufficient number of exams in the following subjects: Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Microbiology, Agronomy, Food Science/Technology. The above mentioned Committee will also assess candidate’s personal preparation through in-person and distance interviews. Candidate’s adequate personal preparation will be assessed focusing on basic knowledge as specified below: • Viticulture: essential knowledge of grapevine physiology and ecology, and the main grape growing techniques. I documenti di studio sono accettati nelle seguenti lingue: inglese / francese / italiano / spagnolo. Se i documenti sono rilasciati in una lingua diversa da quelle precedentemente elencate, oltre all’originale è necessario allegare la traduzione ufficiale certificata. |
Requisiti in base al territorio | This degree program has 50 available places for non-European applicants residing abroad. These places are shared among all the curricula of this degree program. |
Requisiti linguistici | inglese Your knowledge of the English language will be verified during the admission interview. |
Altri requisiti | È necessario aggiungere una lettera di motivazione alla propria candidatura. |
Maggiori informazioni |
The Master’s degree aims at training highly qualified professionals having the necessary skills to carry out specialised tasks in viticulture and oenology sciences with a high degree of autonomy.
Complex problem solving skills in managing local viticulture and oenology production systems play a leading role among the courses taught and are developed taking into consideration both the environmental and the socio-economical aspects. Moreover, graduates will be able to master innovative work methods and meticulous work procedures.
Teaching methods focus on an interdisciplinary approach and aim at providing graduates with all necessary knowledge and skills to support the organisation and knowledge transfer in viticulture and enology sciences.
Sbocchi professionali
Career opportunities include job positions as managers and consultants in the winemaking industry, in Public Administrations and supervisory and managerial bodies, freelancing as viticulturists or enologists, as well as research and secondary education teaching positions.